This page features tools useful to arms & munitions investigators and other professionals and amateurs. They have been developed from the best available data at the time of their publication, and are supported by ARES publications. Please see the description on each page for contextual information, or a link to any relevant material.
FAL Year of Production Estimator:
These tools are presented for informational purposes only. They are not intended to provide instruction regarding the construction, handling, disposal, or modification of any weapons systems. Armament Research Services (ARES) strongly discourages non-qualified persons from handling arms and munitions. Arms or munitions of any variety should not be handled without the correct training, and then only in a manner consistent with such training. Subject matter experts, such as armourers, ATOs, and EOD specialists, should be consulted before interacting with arms and munitions. Make a full and informed appraisal of the local security situation before conducting any research related to arms or munitions.