Category: Conflict Damage Assessment

Diagnostic remnants of the GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)

N.R. Jenzen-Jones & Trevor Ball Editor’s Note: This blog post is linked to entries in the Open-source Munitions Portal (OSMP), a joint project between ARES and Airwars, available at The use of the Small Diameter Bomb (known in U.S. service and elsewhere as the GBU-39) is increasingly being reported upon in the context of

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ARES releases Field Guide 2 – Introduction to Photogrammetry

Armament Research Services (ARES) is delighted to announce the second instalment in our field guide series, Introduction to Photogrammetry: Using perspective analysis to infer the trajectory of incoming munitions. Released yesterday, this Field Guide is intended to familiarise readers with the use of perspective analysis in conflict zones. It introduces and explains key concepts central to performing

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Summary of weapons used in recent strikes against CW targets in Syria

N.R. Jenzen-Jones Update 21 April 2018: Information released today by US Air Forces Central Command (AFCENT) indicates that standard JASSM cruise missiles were used in the strikes, not the JASSM-ER as previously reported by the Pentagon. A spokesman also noted that F-22 Raptors took part in the operation, presumably flying counter-air. A good summary has been posted at The Aviationist.

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United Arab Emirates employ British Hakim A series precision guided munitions in Yemen

Recent reports from advocacy organisations have drawn public attention to the presence of UK-manufactured munitions employed by UAE forces during an airstrike in Matnah, south-west of Sana’a City, Yemen, on 23 September 2015. ARES has received permission to post a lightly redacted copy of a Conflict Damage Assessment (CDA) examining this incident, originally produced on behalf of a confidential client. The CDA,

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VICE News commission ARES report on cluster munition use in Ukraine

A recent article from VICE News discusses a cluster munition attack in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on October 2, 2014. ARES produced a conflict damage assessment report for VICE News, and investigated munition remnants and munition impact sites from the attack, identifying the munition used as the Russian 9M27K rocket with 9N128K warhead,

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